Monitorizarea si Protectia Animalelor
Tierschutz Verein
The Public Services, shelter owners, notified us that the dogs accommodation expired on 18.07.2017, when, according to the law, they would have been proposed for euthanasia.
Obviously, we paid weeks of treatments for all dogs in the shelter and we will continue to bear the costs in accordance with the HCL no. 11/2017’s tariffs.
(http://www.primariatulcea.ro/files/legislatie/hcl/2017/11.pdf )
They are under the treatment and permanent supervision of veterinary doctor, Cucu Vlad, contracted by us.
The shelter in Tulcea is not suitably equipped for treatments, neutering, post-operative halls and managing a large number of animals, such as those saved from the territorial administrative unit Sulina. These criteria must be respected, because each day spent in the shelter can harm the future behavior of dogs.
We submitted a request to The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, to approve the derogation from the 155/2001 law, concerning the adoption of stray dogs, because of the reasons described above.
They approved our request as follows:
,, ... you will be able to relocate your animal transfer to another public/private shelter for stray dogs, sanitary veterinary authorized... "
Also, as a result of our application, Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Department Tulcea replied:
,, ... the clinical examination of the dogs arrived in Dana SC Azimut SRL revealed that there were no deviations from standards of animals well-being and health, there were no dead dogs, according to the control note no.11046, dated 22.06.2017..." performed by inspectors.
We, R.E.A.D.C Turda, could not save and treat only two dogs, for a good picture, like other entities did, but the whole canine population of the shelter, based on our principle ,,Everything treated, or nothing’’.
We want to thank all animal lovers and reliable NGO’s who supported us!
To be continued...